From March 2nd to March 7th, 2020, Anambra State Internal Revenue Service (AiRS) in partnership with the Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) and Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria (CITN) organized the first of its kind Anambra 2020 Tax Awareness Week. The essence of Tax Week is to sensitize more people as possible on tax matters within the State. During the Tax Awareness Week, AiRS staff painted Anambra State yellow beginning with a Statewide Roadshows and Media sensitization both in Radio and TV. They also painted the media yellow.

The next day, Tuesday, March 3, 2020, the indefatigable Chairman and Chief Executive of the AiRS, Dr. David Nzekwu, the representative of FIRS, Mr. Ikpo Okereke and the President of Chartered Institute of Taxation of Nigeria, Dame Gladys Simplice were guests at ABS TV to participate in an audience participatory program, “Good Morning Anambra” after which the Chairman took them to pay a courtesy visit to the Managing Director of ABS, Nze Uche Nworah in his office at ABS corporate Headquarters, in Awka.

On leaving the office of the Managing Director of ABS, Dame Simplice and the team from CITN and FIRS moved straight to Revenue House in Awka to pay a courtesy visit to Dr. Nzekwu, the Chairman/Chief Executive of AiRS. From Revenue House, the team moved to Bon Hotel, Awka for a Breakfast meeting with staff of AiRS, CITN, FIRS, and members of the Executive Council and House of Assembly members. As these programs were on, other staff of AiRS were in the Local Government Areas of Anambra State participating in the Town Hall meeting going on simultaneously in various LGAs. The agenda of the Town Hall meetings is to sensitize Ndi Anambra on issues such as PAYE, WHT, ANSSID, Stamp duties, etc.

On Wednesday, March 4, 2020, Dr. Nzekwu went on air at the Odenigbo Radio 99.1FM program, ‘Mee Ka Odi Mma’ an audience participatory program to further sensitize the citizens and clarify their concerns on tax payment. On leaving Odenigbo Radio Station, the Chairman went straight to Sharon House, Onitsha to witness the inauguration of the Onitsha District Society by the President of CITN, a program that was the main reason that brought her to Anambra State. At the end of the inauguration and installation of the first Chairman of Onitsha District Society, our amiable Chairman took the CITN President and team to pay a courtesy visit to the Executive Governor of Anambra State, Chief Sir Willie Obiano.

The next day, March 5, 2020, the Town Hall Meeting entered the third day with the meeting going on simultaneously at Awka South Council Secretariat for residents of Awka North and South. Njikoka Council Secretariat was the venue for residents from Dunukofia and Njikoka LGAs.

On Friday, while the Town Hall meeting was going on at Tourist Garden Hotel, Aguleri for residents of Anambra East, West and Ayamelum LGAs, the Chairman was at ABSTV/Radio programs “Good Morning Anambra’ and ‘Nzuko Anambra’ to continue sensitization of Ndi Anambra on Tax Matters.

Today, Saturday, March 7, 2020, the Anambra 2020 Tax Awareness Week came to an end with another radio audience participatory program ‘Citizens Forum” at Radio Sapientia 99.3FM, Onitsha by Dr. Nzekwu.

Well packaged, well delivered, the Anambra 2020 Tax Awareness Week is done and dusted to the glory of God. I do not think anybody would say, there is no tax awareness in Anambra State. I believe we explored every avenue available to ensure that the general public is sensitized. The next step on the part of the eligible taxpayers is to endeavor to file their tax returns on or before March 31, 2020, to avoid penalty. The Law stipulates this with a fine of N50, 000 for defaulters.

#Anambra 2020TaxAwarenessWeek

From the Taxpayer Education and Enlightenment Team (TEET)

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