AiRS Begins Enforcement of Business Premises Bill.

Update From The Revenue House…

Earlier today, the enforcement team of the Anambra Internal Revenue Service AiRS went round the city of Awka metropolis to strictly enforce the non compliant/payment of \”Business Premises\” levy in accordance with the provisions of the law that guides the registration of Business Premises in Anambra state.

Section 25 (1) of The Business Premises Law simulates that :

\”Nothwithstanding any other provision of this law, where the Commissioner has reasonable ground to believe that a person (hereinafter in this section called the defaulter) who carries on business whether for himself or an agent or servant of any other person or body, on any business premises situated without a building or other structure has, after having been warned in writing by a staff or agent of the Ministry on more than one occasion not to default, continued to default in having that business premises registered or the registration thereof renewed in accordance with the provisions of this Law, the Commissioner may authorize any staff or agent of the Ministry to enter upon the business premises and SEIZE such chattels of the defaulter as would in the opinion of such staff or agent be sufficient in value to cover the cost of registration of that business premises together with the making payments for any penalty that may have been incured thereby\”

Business in the state such as Ofiaku Eatery, shops at Ultimate Plaza and many other shops within and around Awka metropolis were SEALED OFF today for non compliance in accordance with the provisions of the law.

The management of the AiRS in conjunction with the Ministry of Trade and Commerce hereby uses this medium to enjoin every patriotic Ndi Anambra that does business in any of the Premises in the state to endeavor pay up their business premises levy due to them, to avoid been held by the law.

Below are the sights and sounds of the enforcement as it happened….


Emeh Blaiz Pascal II
Media Aide to the Chairman AiRS
Taxpayer Education and Enlightenment Team (TEET) AiRS.

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