AiRS Chairman/Chief Executive, Dr David Nzekwu Intensifies Strict Measures on Covid-19 Guidelines.

Update From The Revenue House;…

Due to the continued rise in cases of COVID-19 pandemic, the Chairman/Chief Executive, Anambra State Internal Revenue Service (AiRS), Dr. David Nzekwu held in an emergency Management meeting with management staff of AiRS and directed more critical and strategic ways of abiding by the rules and regulations provided by WHO and NCDC on COVID-19 pandemic.

Dr. Nzekwu informed the management staff that the essence of the emergency Management meeting was to critically review and re-strategize and come up with a proper and well detailed manner of abiding by the rules and regulations with regards to the Covid-19 pandemic.

The Chairman reiterated that there\’s a need for AiRS as an organization that has greater number of taxpayers trooping in and out to perform one activity or the other to take precautionary measures in order not to fall short and also stay safe while serving Ndi Anambra.

He directed the Head of Adminstration in AiRS to provide sits well spaced out for the visitors outside the office and a table and a chair for receptionist with a view to checkmate and regulate physical movement in and out of the office. He approved the construction of water taps and hand sanitizers for proper hand washing to be provided close to visitors.

The Chairman also pledged to provide face masks for staffs of the AiRS.

It was resolved that each office will not have more than two staff on daily basis in order to keep the social distance as directed by WHO and NCDC due to COVID-19. And online services of AiRS to be strictly followed. He also directed the Administration Department to provide AiRS protocol at the gate on Monday, June 29, 2020.

All Heads of Department were directed to ensure strict compliance to avoid physical contact amongst the staff.

While we work very hard to ensure that we generate revenue for the state government in this pandemic era, it is also necessary that we work smart to avoid being shut down as a result, bearing in mind that the AiRS as an organization is very essential to the growth and aspirations of Anambra State as regards to revenue generation.

Eligible taxpayers were directed to make use of the website and all other online platforms to make their enquiries and transactions.


Emeh Blaiz Pascal II

Taxpayer Education and Enlightenment Team (TEET) AiRS.

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